Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween & Tenebrae

Well, it's been a busy few weeks for us Singers.

Somehow, we did manage to squeeze in a couple hours for our annual Halloween party, thanks to our fabulous activities committee chairs, Cassie Rindlisbacher and Jason Ross. It was a blast of a night, with pumkin carving, lots of food, pumpkin dessert contests, games, and of course, costumes! When you stick forty incredibly creative people in a choir together, you never know what sort of costumes they'll come up with!

Jason and Cassie

Po the Kung-fu Panda (Jordan) and "The Coolin's Boyfriend" (Jonnie)
Anastasia (Mariah) & Evil Queen Regina (Karli)

Cowgirl and Miss Frizzle! (Rachel)

Waldo (Ben)

Mario (Ariana) and Luigi (Arianne)

One of many rather intense rounds of a game

And the whole gang...
I spy....a Jedi, The Phantom, Mary Poppins, Carmen SanDiego, a Muggle, a Scientist, Rapunzel and Flynn....
What a fun group of people!!!
Thank you, Jason and Cassie, for such a fun night for all of us!

Granted, we did have to cut the fun short because the next night, we were invited to sing Rachmaninoff's Bogoroditse (Ave Maria in Old Slavic) with one of our most idolized choirs, Tenebrae, from London, during their concert. I don't think I can even begin to describe the feelings we experienced up on that stage with them. The sopranos in their group were so inspiring to listen to, and their bass, Adrian Peacock, could fill the whole hall with just his voice. As Jason said, "Only a brontosaurus can sing those notes!" It was one of those experiences where you just know you'll never forget it. And what an opportunity and a blessing it was to work with Nigel Short. Thursday night after the concert, we all made a mental pact that starting the next day in rehearsal, we would not limit ourselves by what we thought was possible for us. We realized that boundaries are not necessary. As Sister Hall would say, and as Dr. Staheli is constantly reminding us, we must simply "Let go, and let God." There's no telling what we can accomplish, and we look forward to seeing the fruits of this mindset in our concerts this weekend. Hope to see you there! 

Thank you, Sandefur, for the photo!

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