Thursday, October 18, 2012

Utah All-State Choir Festival

thank you to alumni, David Winters, for the beautiful photo!

Last Saturday, we were invited to sing in the Salt Lake Tabernacle for the first half hour of the Utah All-State Choral Festival.

We left Provo at 4:30, and by 5:30, we were in the hall warming up. Matt Nielsen flew in from USC specifically for the evening to see us perform his piece, and we were so excited and happy to see him, even if it was for such a short time.

At 7:30, after a few opening remarks from the Utah Music Educators Association, we walked on stage to sing. The audience was so receptive, and the performance became one of our most memorable. Everyone felt so uplifted, and we were truly grateful for the opportunity.

After a beautiful organ solo to segue, the 700-person high school choir took the stage under the direction of Dr. Geoffrey Boers. Their pieces all centered around love and the different types of love each of us experiences in our life time. It was a thrilling experience to sit and listen and brought back many memories for those of us who got to participate in All-State during our own high school years. During one of their songs, Dr. Staheli leaned over to some of the girls sitting around him and said, "We're singing this!" Sure, enough, we just got the music for it, and we are excited to learn the piece after hearing it performed so well.

Lauren, Kelsey, McLane

Thank you, Utah Music Educators for inviting us to participate in such a wonderful night of music making!


  1. I'm pretty sure the segue solo was on the organ, not a harp. ;)

    1. Ariana pointed that out, so it got fixed. Thanks. :) I promise I know it was an organ. I just wasn't thinking.
