Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Singers 2013: On to bigger and better!

Dear readers,

We apologize for the lack of posts. The blog itself is still in the beginning stages as publicity tries new things, and due to some confusion and lack of communication about who and what will be posting, things got pushed back. Never fear! We're back this semester with a whole slew of adventures from the land of the BYU Singers.

First of all, we'd like to welcome our newest additions to the choir. We were lucky enough this semester to get our wonderful Rachael Anderton back after taking a semester off. She's back with our first altos, and we couldn't be happier. Also, after the sad departure of Alex Vincent (we miss you!), we welcomed two more gentlemen to our bass section: Scott Baker (rejoining from last year) and Todd Kitchen. Welcome everybody!

While we're catching up on news, over the Christmas break, two of our women were sealed for time and all eternity to their sweethearts. We are so excited for Marianne Bement-now-Meiners and Melanie Merrill-now-Apolonio to start this new part of their lives, and we welcome their husbands into the exclusive circle of Singers' spouses. Also, Shannyn Palmer announced that she and her husband are expecting their first child! Congratulations to all of you!

The new year has already started out strong for the Singers, and we are delving into and polishing a fantastic new set of repertoire, much of which focuses on the Passion Week as Easter approaches. A lot of it is quite heavy, but certainly within the grasp of each listener who is willing to open themselves up to the feelings that this music evokes. We hope that our audiences will be able to feel the Spirit through each piece and have their own personal experiences with the music.

To wrap up, let it be known that the Singers are fighting this crazy flu epidemic with everything we've got. Flu shots, vitamins, medication, quarantines, and lot and lots of water. We've suffered some casualties, but we hope that before long, everyone will be up and singing with full heart AND voice. We especially appreciate the efforts of our bass section today in preventing the spread of any germs.

Thanks, basses!

We are excited for this new semester and hope that we can continue change the world through music. Be sure to check out the concert calendar for our performances this semester!

Coming soon: One of our beloved baritones talks about his experiences and answers some questions about being a Catholic in choir/school full of those crazy Mormons. It's going to be great!

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